Become a Tello affiliate
Tello, the most flexible wireless carrier in US, invites you to join our affiliate program in order to help others save money on their phone bill and enjoy pure freedom.
Tello, the most flexible wireless carrier in US, invites you to join our affiliate program in order to help others save money on their phone bill and enjoy pure freedom.
Sign up as a publisher
Send email to with your publisher ID
Promote Tello via affiliate links & start earning money
What is the affiliate program?
Our affiliate program rewards you financially for directing new customers to Tello. We take care of the tracking through our third party online network, Commission Junction. The network tracks sales, earnings, and commissions and gives affiliates access to our banners and text links.
Why send an email?
We receive hundreds of requests daily, so we require an email from your part in order to give you the advantage of a priority review of your application.
Is my website eligible for the affiliate program?
Most websites qualify to participate in the affiliate program. However, we reserve the right to deny membership to certain websites or revoke it, if needed.
Is there a limit on the total commission I can receive?
No limits! The more purchases you drive, the more you earn.
For questions about the program, general support, or advice on how to succeed as an affiliate, please contact us.