Labor Day SALE: 4GB for $4/mo
/3 Comments/in Archive, Offers /Less labor, more labor day savings! You’ve worked hard, now play hard… With the 4GB plan for only $4 for the first month of service! We’ve extended the Labor Day weekend to a full on promo week, so you can get your hands on this awesome deal until the 8th: 4GB of data + unlimited talk & text for just $4/mo instead of $19.
Financial Lessons we learned from movies
/2 Comments/in News, Tello Savings /Parents, blogs, TED Talks, books, YouTube channels – there are a lot of places that can become quite a well of knowledge when it comes to life lessons. Top of our list? Movies! We turn to them for a sweet escape and chill afternoon, but also for some really spot on life tricks, especially when they teach us a thing or two about money matters.
Back to School Supplies & Savings from Tello
/0 Comments/in Archive, News, Offers /Tello Mobile offers all parents, students and teachers a back to school deal hard to say no to: 1GB data, Unlimited talk & text Phone Plan – $15 for 3 months ($5/month during the promo, $10 going forward).