New trend in tech: retro everything
/0 Comments/in News, Tello for Everyone /This is for tech nostalgics only. Despite the innovations and new releases of the beginning of this year, in terms of gadgets, we are seeing a strong wave of phone comebacks. YAY!
Secret Key Codes for Android
/15 Comments/in News, Tutorials /We are covering the coolest key codes for Android that will enable hidden features and let you find out and do more with your smartphone.
How Tello is helping families save & enjoy more
/4 Comments/in Families, News, Tello for Everyone /Tello Mobile has made it its mission to help families across the US have a better grasp on their budgets, save more every month and put an end to spending for what they don’t need. Here’s how Tello is helping families save & enjoy more, regardless of the major issue parents are facing, from choosing the right plan for their kid to his very first phone, all while getting more value for money.